
Antipodes light

Gingko flow flow

Leichte Maschines
Form follows function follows fluidity

Rimorchiatore, Palm Garden & Menton

On the (im)possibility of closed systems; one and another, one inside another

Series III

Hyper caffeinated hydrology

Epiphyte 1, 2 & 3

Being is indissociable from relation

Negative ion generating weather station

A garden carved out of stone

Cantilever & Outrigger

Air conditioner compressor 1

Baroque Breuer Botanical Neo-Baroque

Condense, evaporate, compress 1 - 4

Post pithos & Post palaeo

Clouds must have weight because water has weight

Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?

Semper sativa

Icarus radiolaria and Icarus siphonophore

Oikos Logos
Helios I and Helios II

The desire that we desire the most never gets fulfilled V - IX

Fountain 2

Tiling the sea

Who are your potential ecosystem partners?


Des Esseintes’ Tortoise


You're keeping me warm